by Qiri Centro Tecnológico de Divulgación Multimedia
🔸 THE PROJECTChinchorro Deposit: A 360 degree multimedia lookFramed in the new regional culture pol...
🔸 THE PROJECTChinchorro Deposit: A 360 degree multimedia lookFramed in the new regional culture policies, as a team we are directing our efforts to the strategic objectives of promoting the recognition of existing cultural heritage in the region, disseminating knowledge about regional cultural heritage from formal and non-formal education, together with promoting value of the regional cultural heritage from a perspective of sustainable development, with emphasis on the Chinchorro culture.🔸 THE OPPORTUNITYWe have discovered an opportunity to collaborate with the dissemination of the Chinchorro culture, in the University of Tarapacá San Miguel de Azapa museum. Where to identify the interest of visitors to know the "Chinchorro Deposit" and the inability to enter this space, a need is generated to extend this part of the experience. That is the moment where we saw the possibility of implementing technology that would enrich the experience of people attending the warehouse, through 360-degree multimedia for mobile devices. In this way, this immersive technology will allow people to enter the warehouse, seeing the mummies as if they were by their side and knowing details of each one, the periods to which they belonged and perching at different points to see in detail this space.🔸 THE CONTRIBUTIONThis contribution also generates a contribution to the conservation of heritage through an innovative format, together with contributing to the enrichment of regional cultural tourism, establishing new precedents and links to the University Museum of Tarapacá San Miguel de Azapa and the new technological means.🔸 THE INTENSIONThis initiative also seeks to continue promoting the Chinchorro culture so that there are more and more instances of appropriation and recognition by the community around our fishermen who collect and create the oldest artificial mummification process in the world.🔸 HOW TO USE THE APPLICATIONAn application for mobile devices, which allows you to experience the sensation of being with the Chinchorro mummies inside the tank that protects them. Obtain additional information through “detail panels” and learn about the oldest artificial mummification process in the world.MANUAL MODEThis mode is recommended for most devices. Touch the available icons in the tank to advance the tour.CARDBOARD MODEThis mode allows you to have an immersive experience. To use it, you need your device to have an accelerometer and gyroscope.* Note for Cardboard Mode: We recommend using a VR Helmet or Glasses (also known as VR BOX), a simple support for mobile devices, but allowing an immersive experience.🔸 HAVE COLLABORATED IN THIS INITIATIVE■ Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage■ University of Tarapacá■ Museum of the University of Tarapacá San Miguel de Azapa■ Qiri - Entrepreneurs in Cultural Heritage🔸 OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE INITIATIVE🔸 CONTACT THE TEAM▨▧▧ can write to:✉ [email protected]✌ Attends the Qiri Team =)Cultural Heritage, Technological Disclosure